

(250-3,500 words)

Creative nonfiction, essays, and book reviews. We’re looking for wise narrators and sophisticated storytelling about enchantment and life’s mysteries. If you stray from the beaten path and can write about it with an eye towards craft, this publication is for you. Pieces we love include:

Fuck the Bread. The Bread is Over.

(Sabrina Orah Mark, The Paris Review)

Dissolving Genre: Toward Finding New Ways to Write About the World

(Ingrid Horrocks, Lit Hub)

Hand of Smoke

(Lesley Wheeler, Speculative Nonfiction)

A Newt Note

(Brian Doyle, Spring Creek Project)


(250-3,500 words)

Amaze and enchant us with a mythological or fairy tale rewrite. Give us speculative or magical realism that flips modern, “normal” life on its head. Some pieces we love:


(Sabrina Helen Li, Tin House)

The Portal

(Debbie Urbanski, The Sun Magazine)

TO SUBMIT: Email us above. Start by telling us a bit about yourself and a bit about your finished piece, and we’ll take it from there.
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